Dear friends and companions of Malteser International,
The Constitution of the UNESCO begins with the observation that wars begin in the mind – and so peace must start in the mind, too. Looking at the numbers on the Global Peace Index 2024, it becomes clear that peace is far from the minds of many: Almost 60 percent of the countries included in the study showed a deterioration of peacefulness in the first six months of 2024. A staggering 95 million men, women, and children are currently on the run due to wars and conflicts in their countries. 95 million people, who have lost everything.
Our core task here at Malteser International is to support people in need and especially those who are displaced. We offer relief goods and basic health services, but also work to foster a culture of peace: Our work in the so called Humanitarian-Development-Peace-Nexus in projects in Ukraine, Uganda, and South Sudan include important peacebuilding components. Be it Peace Education in Rhino Refugee Camp in Uganda (see below) and Refugee Camp Meri in the DR Congo, a smallholder farmers' groups in Atende in South Sudan, or social cohesion measures that bring displaced and local persons together in Ukraine: here, seedlings for peace and peaceful coexistence are planted in many minds.
Today is International Day of Peace - a day to commit ourselves to peace and to contribute to a culture of peace, which is the foundation for a life of health and dignity. We all depend on it, and those who lack it need our and your support – now!
With peaceful greetings,yours sincerely,
Johannes Schildknecht
Focal Point Nexus & Peace, Country Manager DR Congo
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With Uganda hosting over 1.5 million refugees, including over 130,000 in the Rhino Camp refugee settlement, the dynamics of communal living can often give rise to tensions between refugees and the host community. The formation of peace clubs like the one at Rhino Camp High School, with its mix of refugees and host community members, emerges as a proactive approach to mitigating these conflicts.
These clubs serve as safe havens for students, providing opportunities for open dialogue, sports, games, and cultural activities. Through these engagements, students learn the value of peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, laying the groundwork for harmony in their communities beyond the school walls.
>> Watch our video about the Peace Club in Uganda.
From October 19th-20th, Malteser International took part in the international conference on the Humanitarian–Development–Peace-Nexus (HDP Nexus) hosted by the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC).
Introduced in 2016, the HDP nexus promotes conflict sensitivity, prevention, and encourages actors in humanitarian, development, and peace sectors to collaborate on peacebuilding initiatives.
This conference represents the culmination of an in-depth research project examining the local implementation of the HDP nexus in Mali, South Sudan, and Iraq. Malteser International contributed with a case study focused on South Sudan.
"The study and participation in the workshops organized by BICC helped us reflect on our peacebuilding approaches and expand our learning," says Roland Hansen, Head of Malteser International’s Africa Department.
At the conference, findings from the study were shared with representatives from politics, academia, and practitioners, placing the results within a broader global context.
>> Read about our nexus projects in South Sudan and Ukraine in our Annual Report 2023.
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Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.
Malteser International
Erna-Scheffler-Str. 2 | 51103 Cologne | Germany
Authorized Representatives: Dr. Elmar Pankau and Douglas Graf Saurma-Jeltsch
Photo credit: Malteser International
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