Dear friends and companions of Malteser International,
We hope you started well and happy into the new year. A year that will most likely be turbulent. On a large or small scale, many people will change the world in 2025. It is to be expected that not all changes the most powerful make will be for the better – at least not for people in need. Worldwide public funding for humanitarian aid has already decreased dramatically last year, and will likely continue to do so. |
The good news is: You can change the world, too! With you by our side, we will be able to continue our support for people in need. This year, we will focus even more on our core competences. In the most fragile, crisis-prone areas of the world, we will support people in need:
- with health measures – like mobile clinics and psychosocial counselling
- with hygiene and sanitation – for example by training local Hygiene Promoters and restoring latrines
- with water supply – even in remote areas thanks to solar powered wells
- with food and nutrition security – with small agricultural projects, nutrition education and malnutrition treatments
- with emergency relief – in case of a catastrophe, our expert teams will be on location in no time
In the face of challenges, we will work even harder. Why? Because we believe that every human being deserves a life in dignity. With good health. With enough food. In safety and peace. Because we believe in sharing our unbelievable luck in being able to lead such a life. Because we as a Christian organization regard it as our most precious duty to serve people in need.
Because we believe that together with you, we can counter every piece of bad news with a piece of good news this year.
Yours sincerely
 Kees Zevenbergen Director of Programs
We aspire to a world where all individuals – particularly those in need and those who are displaced – live a life of health and dignity. With our health projects, we are advocating for people in need to have universal access to medical care and for the sustainable development of the healthcare systems in our project countries. The objective is to provide adequate, effective and affordable health care in the long-term. |
A toilet, clean water, and soap for washing are basic needs. For many people in our project regions, however, these things are not to be taken for granted: A third of the world’s population has no access to sanitary facilities. A functioning water supply and sanitation system, as well as the opportunity to take basic hygiene measures, are, however, essential for a healthy life. |
The UN goal of “Zero Hunger 2030” is still a long way off. This major task can only be accomplished if all stakeholders join forces – and we are also working towards this goal. Having sufficient and healthy food available is the right of every human being. Inspite of this, unequal distribution of food, changing climatic conditions, conflicts and epidemics are causing hunger figures to rise year after year. |
We provide rapid and effective relief during acute crises. We offer initial medical care in the affected regions, distribute food and other vital relief supplies and take care of water and sanitation. Even during the acute emergency phase, we focus on sustainable development in order to consolidate the livelihoods of the affected people in the long term. Our work focuses on involving the local population, strengthening their self-help forces and tailoring aid measures to their specific needs. |
At the start of the year, many of us look forward, but also back at last year's achievements and happy moments. We are no exception to this rule and invite you to take a look at our short video featuring some of the best moments of our worldwide work last year.
Donation account Account number: 1201200012 IBAN: DE103 70601201201200012 | BIC: GENODED1PA7 | Pax Bank Cologne Reference: “Malteser International” |
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Copyright © 2025 Malteser International, All rights reserved. Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. Malteser International Erna-Scheffler-Str. 2 | 51103 Cologne | Germany Authorized Representatives: Dr. Elmar Pankau and Douglas Graf Saurma-Jeltsch
Photo credit: Lama Chidiac, Malteser International Americas, Malteser International, Jana Ašenbrennerová, HIHFAD/Malteser International
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